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Growing and Selling a California Medical Practice

Andrew Rogerson

Growing and selling a California medical practice is different than in other states. There are similarities, too. Professionals are drawn to California for the climate, the lifestyle, and opportunities. If it were its own country, California would be the fourth-largest economy in the world.

It’s no wonder that we have plenty of medical practices in the state of California, from family practices to specialties of nearly any medical condition. So let’s have a look at what’s different, and what’s the same about growing and selling a medical practice in California .

Licensing and Practicing Medicine in California


First, it is important to understand that licensing in California is different than in other states. If you already run a medical practice here, you know this, but it is important to remember that when you are ready to sell, you need to find a qualified buyer. This means a buyer who has or can quickly obtain certification through the Medical Board of California .


For most physicians or those seeking to purchase a medical practice in California , this is a simple thing. But it is important that the buyer apply early to ensure their practice is in compliance before closing. As a seller, you may have to stay working in the practice for a limited time to ensure a smooth transition.


This is all a part of finding a qualified buyer for your Medical Practice in California.

Demographics and Lifestyle of the People of California


The demographics of the citizens of California are quite varied and depend a lot on the location of your practice in the state. This especially impacts specialists. Geriatric specialists should open practices in areas where there are many retirees. Plastic surgeons may be better off in the star-laden areas of southern California.


General and family practice are important everywhere, and there may even be tax advantages and student loan repayment options for those who work in certain rural communities. So even if you have a smaller practice in a rural area, don’t despair when it is time to sell. There will likely be buyers who are interested in your practice because of the location.


A certified M&A Advisor can help you discover this, and find the right buyer who is interested in your type of practice no matter where you live.


Expected Growth of Medical Practices in California


The events of 2020 shook many medical practices and have made it much more difficult for small providers to make a profit. However, there will likely be a resurgence when vaccines become available and restrictions are lifted. Despite these restrictions, the demand for medical practices in California has continued to grow.


According to First Research, medical practice growth is expected to continue at nearly 7% over the next five to seven years. There will be changes though. Telemedicine, digital recordkeeping and security, the changing pharmaceutical industry, and more will mean that medical practitioners will have to be even more tech-savvy.

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This is important for qualifying your potential buyer as well. It will also help you sell your practice if you have already adopted much of the needed technology for telemedicine, your EMR and patient communication systems are up to date, and you are using the latest technology in your practice. This shows your buyer that you are on top of current trends, and makes your practice more desirable.

The Sale and Closing Process


Another difference in California is the escrow process as a part of closing. This makes things a little more complicated but offers protection for both buyers and sellers. This is actually an advantage, but it is important that your potential buyer understands how this works. Typically, a M&A Broker will be a huge part of making sure this part of the selling process goes smoothly.


In some other states, escrow is not required and there are other closing differences as well. Even if your buyer has purchased practices or businesses in other states before, the process in California might feel odd or different to them, and even to you. This is where the guidance of your team will be helpful.


Your M&A Advisor will be the cornerstone of that Deal Team, but it will often include an attorney, an accountant, and perhaps other experts as needed.


Insurance on Both Sides


Insurance and billing are both very important to your medical practice and its success. Taking all major insurance types and carriers, a clean and efficient billing and coding process, and more can make a huge difference to how profitable your practice is, and how desirable it is to a buyer. The better your system, the easier it will be to find a buyer.


Also, California has strict requirements for medical practice insurance, and it is a good idea for your buyer to be pre-approved for these coverages. Otherwise, they may struggle to take over your medical practice. This is another important aspect of finding and keeping a qualified buyer and another area where your business broker can help.


But you may face some unique challenges when it comes to selling your medical practice in California.


Unique Challenges to Selling a Medical Practice in California


California is one of the most regulated states in the country, and shutdowns and restrictions during 2022 have made running a profitable medical practice challenging, especially for some specialists and small practices without the financial stability offered by large conglomerates.


There will likely be a resurgence of most of these practices as the pandemic eases, but recovery may take time. The most appealing practices for buyers are profitable and running smoothly. Your business valuation may have been impacted by COVID, so you may have to rely on former profitability and future potential to get the price you would like for your practice.


In some cases, waiting to sell until there has been a recovery and things have normalized a bit may be the best answer.

Should You Sell Your Medical Practice in California


Is now the right time to sell your medical practice in California ? Should you wait? What steps can you take now to make your business more appealing to potential buyers?


The answer to these questions may seem a bit complicated, and they can be. Clarity starts with performing a business valuation . That way, you will know what your business is worth now, which is the key to making decisions about what to do in the coming year, and if selling your medical practice is the right answer for you.


If you want to know what your practice is worth and what your options are, contact us today for a business valuation . Then we can talk through when might be the right time to sell your medical practice and how to prepare to start the process. Then we’d love to be your Broker and help you through the entire process from finding a qualified buyer to escrow and closing. Reach out to us anytime . We look forward to talking to you about valuing and selling your medical practice in California smoothly and confidentially in California.

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