For Business Owners

Lower Middle Market Business Owners In California

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Baby Boomer Business Owners Retiring

Retiring baby boomers who own and operate a business in the lower middle market segment are having a hard time to position their business for a proper acquisition in California.

One of the more difficult decisions to make when you are ready to retire is how to sell your business in the lower middle market. Some business owners may be tempted to keep it in the family or go public, but there are other options that might be better suited for you. If you are looking for a way to sell your lower middle market business in California, RBS Advisors can help you position and ready your business for sale at great value. 

You might want to know the answer to a very common question that we get on regular basis: when there is an Asset sale of a business, who gets the cash in the bank; the buyer or the seller? Find out by clicking here.

Lower Middle Market Business Brokers

A lower middle market business broker in California will help you value and sell your mid-market business for a great value. They apply strategies and tactics to position your business for sale and get you the highest value for your business.

If your business is located in California, and it has a sales volume from $2 million to $50 million per year. RBS, Rogerson Business Services, is an M&A Advisory Firm located in Sacramento, California with an expert deal team and track record in valuing and selling a business for the best price. Read on...

Case Studies in Selling a Lower Middle Market Company

Are you looking to retire and sell your business? Do you need some inspiring success stories? We cover client success stories in detail for you.

Click here to view a list of success stories and learn how RBS Advisors are providing great value to business sellers like you.  

Community For Lower Middle Market Business Owners

Rogerson Business Services is an advisory firm that has built great valuable content to get you in good place to decide on your next move. Whether you are looking to become an entrepreneur or search for a great opportunity to own an existing privately held business for sale in California, we have tutorials and free guides to help you grow, value, and ready your business for a successful acquisition.

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  • Option Two: Sign up by filling your name, email, and submit the form to create an accoun

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Take Part In Learning How RBS Advisors Attract Qualified Buyers and Sell Your Business Quickly  

We help business owners with a business that has an annual sales between $2m to $50m and looking to value & sell their lower middle-market company now or within 6-12 months with a solid exit plan ready for mergers and acquisition in California. Our deal team is made up of Legal Experts, CPAs, Tax Experts, Financial Planners, and M&A Advisors.

Over the next 30 days or so, you will receive a series of 8 emails, all designed to walk you through the process of how we market and attract qualified buyers to your business for sale listing, and helping you manage your expectations and get your business successfully valued and sold at a good price.

Do you have questions about valuing and selling your business?

Bring your questions along on a discovery call.
Book a FREE 10-minutes discovery call today!

Planning to value & sell your business in California and move on?

Learn how RBS Advisors find qualified buyers and sell your business quickly in California.
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An experienced M&A Advisor understands the market, has access to statistics on recent sales, and can apply various methodologies to guide you on the Most Probable Selling Price.  We take out the complexity of properly business valuation and help business owner cash out at the top of their game.

A M&A Advisor can help maintain confidentiality, identifying the business only to prospective buyers who qualify. Most business owners do not want their staff, customers, landlord or suppliers to know they are considering exiting the business. The M&A Advisor can secure confidentiality undertakings, screen prospects, and manage the phases of the release of sensitive information.

The M&A Advisor is a trusted resource to the business seller at any stage of the sale process. A California licensed M&A Advisor is steeped in knowledge about negotiating price, terms, and other key aspects of the sale. From follow-ups in the early deal origination stages, to controlling the smooth running of the Definitive Purchase Agreement. The M&A Advisor has a role the business owners and entrepreneurs themselves cannot do effectively as their focus should be running their business.

Are you planning to value and sell your business?

We’d love to hear from you. Send us a message with your questions and concerns on how to start your value and sell a business plan.

Exit Your Business Form

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5150 Fair Oaks Blvd, #101-198
Carmichael, CA 95608

Business For Sale Listing

Need to know how is your business for sale ad is doing? Get a complimentary report every month to walk you through the performance.

The only analytical report you need to learn all about the progress of selling your business and the number of serious buyers bidding for your business.

  • Get the number of buyers.
  • Get your listing ad statistics and performance details.
  • Get your list of serious buyers with an offer.
  • Get analytics of different channels where your business is being confidentially promoted.

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 Rogerson Business Services

We'll provide you with experienced professional M&A Advisors to handle all your buy and sell-side M&A. 

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As a special welcome gift for subscribing, you'll also get our helping and educational guides, tips, tutorials, etc.. for free.

It's filled with the best practices for retiring serial business owners like Dan Gilbert, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffett, and many more.

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sales tax on asset sale of business
By Andrew Rogerson December 23, 2024
Sales tax on the asset sale of the business in California is payable by the seller. However, Stock sales are not subject to sales taxes.
reps and warranty insurance in California
By Andrew Rogerson July 29, 2024
Protect your California M&A deal with reps and warranty insurance. We cover all the details and answer FAQs about the cost and more...
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Is 2023 a good time to sell a business? In a nutshell, the 2023 buy-sell landscape will be even stronger resulting in sellers' advantage.
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